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Ticket Opening Form
Phone number
: Guadalajara T1
Flota de vehículos
Correo Electrónico
Choose an Option
Consulta sobre una funcionalidad
Necesito ayuda con la plataforma
Tengo montacargas que no reportan en la plataforma
No puedo encender el montacargas
El montacargas se detiene en operación
Necesito instalar nuevos equipos de telemetría en una planta existente
Necesito mover un equipo de telemetría entre dos montacargas
Necesito ayuda para acceder a la plataforma
Necesito ayuda con mi usuario de acceso
Quiero cambiar de nombre a la planta
Necesito ayuda durante la implementación de un proyecto
Necesito implementar una funcionalidad existente
Solicitud INTERNA
Necesito nuevas llaves/Ibuttons para Operador
Specify the number of keys
Site Survey
Validate the feasibility of physical installation of telemetry devices
Validate feasibility of installing a weight sensor
Validate the feasibility of motor protection
Uninstallation Request
Internal requirement for the support area
Checklist is enabled, and I have completed it correctly
I don't have the checklist enabled
I have consulted with the fleet administrator, and the stoppage functionality (e.g., impact) is not enabled
I don't see any CMD RESTRIC events in the travel report
The forklift's battery is OK
Operator identification is enabled, and I am presenting my key for 10 seconds
The forklift starts up but doesn't allow operation
Specify the inspections performed
Specify path to the selected menu
Example: Indicators > Productivity > Ignition Hours
Datos de planta
Write the new name for a operationa plant, e.g., Gadalajara T1
Datos de Usuario
[email protected]
Remember, you can reset your password from the system login "Forgot your password
You are accessing from a VPN?. Please contact your network administrator
I can access other external internet pages
I have cleared the cookies from the browser
I don't have a username to access the system
If you have verified/ticked the options and still cannot access, proceed to the next step
Datos de El/Los Montacargas
First, use the forklift to uninstall, then the forklift to install.
E.g., INT21, Toyota/7FBRXX/12/Gasoline
INT36/ Linde/AP20/48V/Electric
Datos de El/Los Montacargas
E.g.:Toyota/7FBRxx/12V/Gasoline, Linde/FB75/36V/Electric
Datos de El/Los Montacargas
Example: INT21. Remember to open once confirmed that the forklift is not under repair or maintenance
Ticket Title:
Example 1: INT32 doesn't report
Example 2: Excessive impacts on INT45
Describe the issue using words such as feature names, system menu names, report names, or words that appear in the platform or WIKI.
Include any necessary data that helps us understand your inquiry
Attach Files
Phone Number
Operational Plant
Example: Guadalajara T1
Type of Service
Fleet of Vehicles
Choose an option
Inquiry about features
I need help with the platform
I have forklifts that are not reporting on the platform
I can't start the forklift
The forklift stops during operation
I need to install new telemetry equipment in an existing plant
I need to move a telemetry device from one forklift to another
I need help accessing the platform
I need help with my access credentials for the platform
I want to change the name of an existing plant
I need assistance during the implementation of a project
I need to implement an existing functionality
I need new keys/Ibuttons/HiD Cards for operators
Ticket Title:
Example1: INT32 is not reporting data on the platform
Example2: Excessive impact events on INT45
Describe the issue using keywords such as Feature Names, System Menu Names, Report Names, etc.
Include any data you consider necessary to understand your inquiry
Attach Files
Choose one or more options
Select a Route/Option
Example: Indicators>Productivity> Movement hours
Forklift(s) Data
Example: INT33.
Note: Remember that if the forklift is under maintenance, you should not open a ticket until it is operational again
The forklift battery is OK
I have enabled operator access control and I am presenting my Ibutton/Card for 10 seconds
The forklift turns on but it is impossible to operate
The checklist functionality is enabled and I have completed it correctly
The Checklist functionality is disabled
I have checked the restrictions dashboard and did not find any configured or notified restrictions
Forklift(s) Data
Example: Toyota/7FBRXX/24V/Combustion Engine , Linde/FB75/48V/Electric Engine
Forklift(s) Data
Specify first forklifts to uninstall and then forklifts to install
INT21/Toyota/7FBRXX/12V/Conbustion Engine
INT36/Linde/FB75/48V/Electric Engine
If you are accessing from a VPN, please first contact your network administrator
I can access other external internet pages
I don't have a username to access the system
If you have checked these options and still cannot access the platform, proceed with opening the ticket
User information
[email protected]
Remember that if you forgot your password, you can reactivate it from the system access menu under 'Forgot my password'
Operational Plant Data(s)
Example: Guadalajara T1
Specify the new name for an existing plant.
Number of Ibuttons/Cards
Separar las direcciones de correo electrónico con una coma.
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